New starting point in 2018

2018-02-07 10:12:46

On February 5, 2018, our company held the annual meeting of "new starting point of 2018" in the factory, and more than 500 people from the Zhangshan Steel Cylinder gathered together to celebrate the New Year.

At the opening of the annual meeting, Mr. Chen hongwei, general manager of the company, delivered a speech for the New Year in warm applause.Summarizing 2017, Mr.Chen confirmed the efforts and achievements of all employees last year.Looking ahead to 2018, Mr.Chen has put forward a new plan and vision for the steel cylinder manufacturing department, the composite material department and the large container manufacturing department.It was announced that the annual dinner was officially started, and the audience applauded.

First of all, the management team of each department has signed the target board, and the heads of each department are confident about the target of next year.The second is outstanding employee recognition, and 20 employees from the front line.Next, the production management staff to bring a wonderful show, then the present each department's song "run", poetry readings "unrestrained and far-ranging", song "prairie rising from the fall of the sun", little game "skills compare", song chorus show" unusually brilliant friends", etc.

After the company's vice President Chen yapeng pulled out and presented the biggest award of the banquet, Mr.Chen presented three special awards: special contribution award, gold medal sales, and excellent engineer.

Chen has affirmed the achievements of the three backbone members in 2017 and encouraged them to continue to make new contributions to the new bridge in 2018.

With the background music "tomorrow will be better", the annual meeting ended.

©2017Hangzhou Yuhang Zhangshan Steel Cylinder Co., Ltd.Design by: RAIN Brand